For Libraries | Mā ngā Pātaka Kōrero
Support and information for school and community libraries

Whenuapai School Library
Why Out on the Shelves is important
Acquiring and promoting rainbow books for young people is part of building an inclusive collection and culture at your library. Ensuring your library offers a diverse selection of age-appropriate books about different topics, regions, cultures, histories, peoples and experiences helps normalise difference and increase social tolerance among young people.
Out on the Shelves features books for all age ranges–from kindergarten through to university. Rainbow content is not inherently any more “mature” or “adult” than non-rainbow content, and research shows that many rainbow young people are aware of their identities from a very young age. Young people seeing themselves represented in literature is an important part of healthy, mirroring development.
We know that experiences of erasure, rejection, bullying and discrimination contribute to the high rates of emotional distress and suicide among rainbow youth in Aotearoa. Having access to age-appropriate, affirming representations of rainbow identities across various intersections of gender, sexuality, race and culture can help reduce feelings of isolation, depression and minority stress in our rainbow rangatahi. Positive representation has been shown to reduce bullying and contribute to rainbow young people having healthier, more respectful friendships and relationships.
Given the widespread lack of accessible third-spaces in our communities, we also know that libraries continue to be one of the only reliable public places that young people and marginalised people can shelter spend time in. By visibly participating in Out on the Shelves, libraries can actively demonstrate to rainbow communities that these institutions are a safe, inclusive place, and that rainbow people are valued and reflected in the library’s collections.
Adding items to your collection
The Out on the Shelves reading resource provides curated booklists and a searchable database of rainbow stories organised by identity, genre and age-range. The resource provides relevant information on all listed books’ contents to guide acquisitions that are appropriate for your community. All our listed books also include a Worldcat link so that young people can find books in their local libraries.
Depending on your library, it may (or may not) be appropriate to highlight the rainbow books in your collection through spine labels. This practice can make it easier for people to identify books with rainbow characters, but may also pose a safety risk if readers are not out to others about their identity or are fearful of bullying. Other options could include ‘rainbow’ tags in the library catalogue, book lists in the library, displays, or indicative bookmarks that can be removed if the reader desires.
Promoting your rainbow collections
Even if you’re not able to add any or many items to your collection, you can still highlight and promote the items you do have. We encourage all libraries to create an annual pride-themed display promoting their rainbow collections during our June campaign month. By creating a display and promoting the rainbow items in your collection, you are indicating to rainbow communities that they are valued, safe and included in your space.
If you do create a display, don’t forget to snap pics and enter our annual Out on the Shelves display competition. For school libraries, this is a great opportunity to connect with and involve your school’s QSA/Rainbow Diversity Group.

Mt Albert Library
Printable Posters
We strongly encourage school and community libraries to print out and put up these posters to help spread the word about the Out on the Shelves campaign and online rainbow reading resource.
Please consider advertising our 2024 Rainbow Storytelling Competition by putting up our poster in your classroom or library!
OOTS Bookmarks
As part of the Out on the Shelves campaign each June, we release a range of colourful bookmarks with identity-specific book lists to help promote the Out on the Shelves rainbow reading resource and visually connect rainbow young people with stories that represent them.
We currently have 12 unique bookmarks with identity-specific book lists to help you find more great rainbow books. These are still available to order via the form below.